Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Sigh...an uneventful day...
Nothing much happened today I guess...another day at Mel's place...lunch with a different Mellissa before that..It was nice to catch up with Mellissa though as she is one person that I've known for so long yet we did not really keep in touch. The bitching was fun and the food was good...
Since nothing particularly earthshaking happened in my life today...I think it's time to tell the world about the 3 ladies that changed my life and evolved me into the almost-decent person I am now. This is my way of saying Thank You for everything I guess...

First off~!!
Angie Li Yuet Jia

Thanks for filling in what my mother left out- Care, Compassion and Love for me...
Because of you im in college...
Because of you i didnt drop out of high school...
Because of you i haven't jumped off a building...

LOVE you...And i know i dont tell you that i do very often but remember...I'm always thinking of you and everything youu have done for me...


Dua Chi,
Thanks for always showing me the silver lining. The life left in the graveyard...however deep I buried myself you were always there with a huge shovel, ready to dig me out...
Thanks for the laughs, the 3-hour phone calls, for introducing me to a group of people that have changed me in so many ways. Thanks for giving me the
SHIT face the first time you saw me...

You changed my life Sher...And I will always
LOVE you for that...

Tan Li Hsia,Melissa
Baby Dear Sweetheart Sayang,
Through this shitty time that I'm going through...I knew I had a partner in you to help me through it. I never EVER tell you that I LOVE you enough...That when you smile I forget everything and I'm reminded that I'm happy I have you...5 months and you have impacted me more than almost everyone or anything...When I'm with you nothing else matters..When you are away all I want is you to hug and to hold...We both know that everything is against us, but through our little fights and disagreements my feelings for you just grow stronger...I LOVE You, Dear...

More than anyone can ever imagine...

Well that's it from me...Why dont you guys sit back a moment and think about the people...or even person that has changed you and write a Friendster testimonial for them. Sometimes all they want is for you to remind them how much you love them...Who are your 3 special people?


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